A Relic Gigantopithecus?

mande burung expedition research team

Could the Mande Burung, an upright hominoid reportedly seen by the native people of the northeastern forests of India, actually be a relic Gigantopithecus? Recently returned from his research expedition in search of the M-B, cryptid researcher Adam Davies poses this question and presents some compelling evidence to suggest that this could indeed be the case.

Adam Davies Returns from India

Mande Burung Indian ape man expedition

Adam Davies returned Saturday, November 20th from his expedition in search of India’s famed apeman, the Mande Burung (Wild Jungle People). After two weeks in the jungles of the West Garo Hills district of the state of Meghalaya, Adam and his team of researchers came away with some very compelling evidence of the creature’s existence. Having just … Read more

Australian Big Cats – Book Extract

Australian big cats

Do large, black panthers prowl the forests and rural farmlands of Australia? Are they responsible for killing and mutilating livestock in the Australian countryside? Big cats are not indigenous to the Australian continent, yet frequent sightings of these creatures have been reported. Read the extract from Rebecca Lang’s and Michael Williams’ new book Australian Big Cats: An Unnatural History of Panthers.

Monsters of New Jersey!

Monsters of New Jersey, a new book by Loren Coleman and Bruce G. Hallenbeck and published by Stackpole Books, will be released on September 1, 2010. I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bruce regarding some of my research and articles on The Paranomalist blog, and I’m being cited in the book! If that’s not a good enough reason to buy it, read on!

Cryptids in Suburbia – Part 1

Big Bird - Modern Sightings of Flying Monsters,

Mystery animals, alien big cats, thunderbirds, pterodactyls, and other cryptids appearing in highly populated areas? What are we to make of such reports? Are sightings of anomalous creatures in our own backyards simply misidentification or hoaxes, or are we seeing something real? I have no idea, but I’ve got a few opinions as to what the possible explanation could be…